
January 23, 2007

Many Will File Insurance Claims


(TULSA, Okla.) January 22 - Natural disasters create a large volume of insurance claims for damage to homes, businesses, cars and other property.

In the event of a disaster, claim representatives usually visit the most severely damaged homes first.

But, there are specific steps to take in reporting your damage that could help your claim move along more quickly.

  1. Inspect your car, boat and home for damage - inside and out.
  2. Look at every room in your house, and list any damage that you find.
  3. When you report your claim, your insurance company will need to know if your house is damaged so severely that you can't live in it. They'll also need to know if a damaged car is safe to drive.
  4. Help your insurance company handle your claim as quickly as possible by making a complete room-by-room inventory of your damaged property.

Remember, when you're making a list of what was damaged you should include specific details. An item's brand name, model number and purchase price are always helpful.

State Farm says for your future protection, it's a good idea to make a detailed inventory of all of your personal belongings.

Taking pictures of your property is also recommended.

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